DHCP server on the router: what is it

As in the global network, in the local network for correct operation, each device must be assigned its own IP address. With a small number of devices, this process can be performed manually.

What is a dhcp server on a router

When there are too many devices or you cannot predict the MAC addresses of each of them, for example, in a cafe or in a large enterprise, you need to somehow automate this process. The DHCP server performs this task.DynamicHostConfigurationProtocol - protocol for dynamic configuration of the node).

The basic algorithm implies only four main steps:

  1. The phone sends the request to the broadcast address.
  2. DHTP responds to the request and sends a message with an IP address.
  3. The phone confirms the proposed IP.
  4. To prevent problems due to interference, the server sends the IP again. So that the phone verified it with the one already received. And if the addresses do not match, the procedure is repeated from 1 step.

In local networks, which are not only wired, but also wi-fi networks, it is also necessary to assign unique IP addresses for each device. And in the router, to solve this problem, its own DHCP server is built-in.

How to properly configure a dhcp server on a router

Most modern routers have DHCP enabled in advance. But there are times when you need to change the settings or completely disable the automatic distribution of addresses.

IMPORTANT. Do not change the settings if you do not know what they are responsible for. Incorrect data can lead to the complete inoperability of the router. And to restore access to the Internet, you have to call a specialist.

First, go to the router's graphical control interface. We are looking for the settings tab, then the DHCP sub-item.

For correct operation, it is necessary to set the range of available IP addresses. This item is a must. The range is calculated based on the first and last value. Usually set values ​​are from, to But you can set yourself any desired range.

Another mandatory item will be the time of use. Usually the server issues an IP, as it were, for rent, and the time of this lease is set in this paragraph. But it is possible and unlimited to reserve IP for a specific device. For this, the value “0” or “00” is prescribed in this paragraph.

REFERENCE. Other values ​​are possible, they will depend on the model of the router. And to find out, you need to familiarize yourself with the specification of the device.

The following settings are optional. The server independently sets the correct values. But if necessary, they can also be set manually.

Ways to enable and disable dhcp server

If for some reason DHCP has been disabled and you need to enable it. This can be done in the already familiar settings tab. Usually this item is indicated either by two buttons with windows where you want to mark the desired option, or by a lever button, which changes its value from pressing.

Does DHCP turn off in the same menu? where it turns on. And actions differ only in the choice of the necessary value. After selecting the settings, you must click on the "save" button, if the settings do not take effect, then reboot the router.

Watch the video: DHCP Services on a Router for the Cisco CCNA - Part 1 (April 2024).

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