How to increase traction in the furnace

In order for the heating device to have high efficiency, it is necessary to carefully monitor the draft, which is in the chimney. Much can depend on it, including the safety of residents of the building.

Why is there a bad draft in the oven?

Poor or weak traction most often causes reverse traction as a consequence. The reasons can be very different from each other. As for the main one, these are the mistakes that people made when they designed the heating system. In this case, there is a possibility of improper use of building materials. We will also consider in more detail the possible sources of the problem and what to do in such cases:

  • The defect may lie in the design of the chimney. The proportions between the height and the furnace are sometimes calculated incorrectly. And because of the low, for example, pipe, more often the pulling is worse. However, if the parameter for this component was greater, then the reverse thrust would not have formed.

REFERENCE. Therefore, it is so important to consider the universal size - about five meters.

  • Do not forget about the ratio of diameter. The narrow value contributes to the difficulty for the output of combustion products.
  • In addition, if the product is a square shape, then, most likely, the movement of smoke will not be so free than it would be with rounded corners.
  • Natural conditions also significantly affect the presence of weak traction. In rainy climates, in high humidity or with strong winds, the level tends to decrease.
  • If there are various damages or scratches, irregularities on the pipe, then there is a high probability of obstacles to attraction with a good coefficient.
  • Care for the stove. There are often cases when the user forgets about cleaning, thereby accumulating pollution - deboned building materials.
  • The reason is very similar to the previous one. Only this time soot is a blockage.
  • Disturbed ventilation process. Because of this, there is a shortage or even a lack of supply air mass.

How to check the draft in the chimney

After the remark that the craving has worsened, one should not immediately neglect serious actions, it is worth considering how to increase it. Before proceeding with the corresponding resolution of the problem, you must surely verify its presence. Therefore, we will use the traditional, traditional method:

  1. You can take a piece of any paper material (it can be either a separate sheet of paper or toilet paper).
  2. Light this segment (if the density is high) and let it burn to the end. Thus, he will respond perfectly to the direction of the air.
  3. Next, you should bring it to the furnace and observe: in the case when a piece moves to the pipe, positive traction is noted. And vice versa - it reacts to the flow from the side of the room or is completely in the original place, which means that the opposite is present.

In addition to the described checks, there are others. Let's analyze them too:

  • An experiment using cigarette smoke, a lighter or a burning match is considered to be vivid. You just need to bring one of these items to the device. And follow the same recommendations. If the flame points to the side of the device, the draft is excellent. In the opposite - weak.

REFERENCE! In extreme cases, it is possible to use a candle, in which the light will act as a pointer.

  • You can look inside the furnace, into the furnace. And analyze the shade of flame. The golden yellow color is indicative of positive traction and uniform burning, and black smoke is an unkind situation.

IMPORTANT! If a white light appears in your structure, then this indicates the presence of excessive attraction.

  • As for modern and scientific methods, this is the use of appropriate equipment - an anemometer. It is used by specialists to obtain information about measuring chimney draft. It is available for any desired user.

How to improve traction in the furnace

If you checked the presence of reverse thrust, found out the reason, the next step is to start troubleshooting. How to increase traction in the furnace?Naturally, the measures taken will be as diverse as the sources of defects.

  1. If the smoke passage is clogged, cleaning is certainly required. All emitted substances that have accumulated over the entire time must be eliminated. Nagar will be able to eliminate burning logs from aspen. They do an excellent job of reaching maximum temperature, which is what is needed for this method. In order to carry out prophylaxis and to improve the condition of the pipes, it is advisable to toss rock salt at the moment the furnace burns. In addition to folk remedies, there are chemical ones that are specifically designed for this.
  2. Dismantling will be required if the device is improperly constructed.
  3. Avoid drafts.
  4. Installation of additional devices.

Watch the video: zinc smleting and traction furnace (April 2024).

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