Harm from the TV

Statistics indicate that modern people spend an average of more than a quarter of their lives watching television. We turn on this miracle of technology that has firmly entered our lives in the morning, as soon as we woke up, and fall asleep also under it. Every fan of sitting in front of TV can easily justify themselves by the fact that this is the easiest and most affordable way to get information and the opportunity to relax. However, safe to call a miracle of technology does not work.

What harm from TV?

Recent studies by scientists have shown that watching TV can adversely affect a person’s health, including his mental state. Psychologists confirm this theory, noting that the main problems that are covered in the programs are:

  • war
  • blood;
  • killings;
  • violence;
  • conflicts between individuals and other similar aspects of life.

Important! People do not attach importance to those programs that are watching, but at that moment their brain remains unprotected. Unsatisfactory and harmful content is presented to the audience in a beautiful and relaxed way.

According to statistics, by the age of 65, a person spends an average of 9 years of his life watching television. At the same time, all the negativity that is broadcast from the screen enters our brain and is actively processed, giving impulses to the nervous system. The psychological state of a person negatively reacts to such programs. A television is capable of provoking even depressive states, while a person is not aware of the causes of his disorder.

For an adult

Scientists have proven that watching TV at night, in the dark, depresses a person’s psychological state. The flickering of the TV in the dark and the negative themes of the content being watched make the body depressed. This leads to a breakdown, a breakdown of the basic vital systems of the body.

Doctors, based on the research, argue that TV can provoke:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • hypertensive heart disease.

Important! The first health problems can be noticed already after 1 year from the beginning of intensive viewing of television programs. A person who spends more than 4 hours watching TV a day is most at risk of developing various diseases.

With constant sitting and immobility, there is a risk of developing osteochondrosis. Often, people who spend a lot of time watching TV, note a decrease in muscle tone, constant crunching and cracking in the joints. This is a direct consequence of watching television for a long time.

Harm for children from TV

Newborn children and babies up to 1 year old do not need a TV at all. They do not perceive the information that is fed through the television “box”. At the same time, kids only appreciate the change in colors and pictures that occur on the screen. During this period, the maximum time for a child to watch TV should not exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, speech development disorders and other pathologies may be noticeable.

Older children cannot be forbidden to watch TV, of course. This is part of the modern world and the baby will feel disadvantaged if one of the most affordable “toys” of modern times is banned. However, watching TV should be strictly regulated in time. From 5 years old, viewing full-length cartoons is allowed, no more than 1 per day (timekeeping up to 1.5 hours). From 3 to 5 years, a child should not be busy watching TV for more than 40-60 minutes a day. Under 3 years old, watching TV is not recommended for children at all. During this period, the vocal apparatus is actively formed, and watching cartoons on the screen inhibits this process.

For a child, watching TV may result in the following violations:

  • visual impairment;
  • decreased interest in reading books;
  • increased activity, moodiness and nervousness;
  • disruptions in the nervous system of a small organism;
  • overweight.

Important! Parents should strictly monitor the amount of time a child spends on a TV box, as well as limit the choice of programs. Sitting in front of the TV should be correlated with active loads, which will allow the baby to splash out all the energy or gain the necessary knowledge.

It is also worth noting that the children's brain responds much more strongly to advertising, which contains many visual and sound techniques that adversely affect the psyche of children.

Thus, watching TV does great harm to the work of the whole organism. It is necessary to strictly regulate the time of watching TV shows and choose only cognitive programs.

Watch the video: Roland: Black TV Networks Harm Our Youth By Only Airing Entertainment, Reality, Award & Crime Shows (April 2024).

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